Project Goals

Project Goals

The ideas as to what an intelligent mirror could encompass is vast. It could encompass anything related to intelligence. It could be a mirror that recognizes people, talk to people, learns a person’s habits, it could be used as a component in activity recognition as part of a smart home. Or as it is ultimately a tool used by people to see their own reflection - it could be used to analyze the emotions of the person in question. This could further be used as input for a machine learning algorithm to predict the person’s current level of happiness. Or even monitor his emotions over an extended period of time to detect mental illnesses. Because a mirror is naturally used by most people at least twice a day (morning and night), it would be able to continuously monitor people’s faces without requiring any explicit input.

The main goal of this project was to develop a smart mirror device as well as an operating system to run on similar devices. The device was to look like a regular mirror but would have a screen inside and you would be able to interact with it using voice commands and smartphones.

The main features of my Intelligent Mirror would have would be showing basic weather and time information, being able to add alarms, reminders or notes in a similar way we stick post-it notes on a fridge. We would also be able to play music in some way and see pictures through Instagram, for example. These features will be scraped from the Internet and implemented using the raspberry pi board. The Pi board is programmed using Linux OS.